Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan

Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan works for more than 17 years in Eurocontrol, at the Maastricht Upper Area Control Center, and also at the central headquarters in Bruxelles. În Eurocontrol there is a strong Romanian team of engineers, graduates of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, who contribute to the efficiency of the flights in the crowded airspace of the Eurocontrol countries, maintaining in the same time the aeronautical safety at best levels worldwide.

Biography Key Points:

  • Graduate of the National College ”Sfantu Sava” Bucharest (1986)
  • Graduate of the University Politehnica of Bucharest – Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, specialization Aircraft, line of study On-Board Equipment and Intsalations (1993)
  • Graduate of Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest – International Business (1997)
  • ROMATSA (Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration) Head of ATS Development Division, ATS Expert (1993-1997)
  • Licence of Air Traffic Controller (1998)
  • Eurocontrol Corporate Management Training
  • PMI Project Management Training
  • Eurocontrol Safety Management Training
  • IATA Senior Management Certification
  • Several ATM/CNS and technical training courses
  • Air Traffic Controller License, Area Control
  • EUROCONTROL Maastricht UAC System and Business Development Manager, PMU

Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan is a founder members of AirNav Board, a Think Tank constiting of graduates of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, personalities of the field, professionally established in international organizations, such as ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), EUROCONTROL, Jeppesen – Boeing, General Electric or Learjet Corporation. This Think Tank delivered a pragmatic and modern curriculum for the ”Air Navigation – Air Transport Engineering” programs of studies, started in 2009 at the initiative of Dean Prof. dr. ing. Virgil Stanciu.


NUU Groups Changes

We inform you that any change of group, after the beginning of the academic year, creates problems in the Moodle course site and in the Teams website, leading to the loss of access to courses and seminars. That is why such changes will not be approved and will not be...

EELISA Contest

Do you want to become an European engineer? Start with a participation to the following contest: I EELISA Science Fiction Contest: open for submissions until OCTOBER 8th! Next, ask vice dean Petrisor Parvu about UPB-ITA EELISA community  tentative to enroll.

Operational Procedures

PO privind acordarea burselor si a altor forme de sprijin material pentru studenti PO privind cazarea studentilor in camine PO privind circuitul documentelor PO privind completarea registrului matricol pentru ciclul de studii de licenta PO privind completarea...

Extension of the exam session for last year

Considering that all the results of the verification have been announced, we are waiting until May 30, at 8 pm, on the faculty mail, proposals for data to reschedule these subjects (year 4, second semester) for week 01.06-05.06.2020. The proposal will contain the name...

PhD thesis defending

On 27.05.2020 at 16:00 PhD candidate Stefan ANTON will defend his thesis with title "Proiectarea și construirea unor machete la o scară favorabilă pentru a verifica pe rând criteriile de similitudine în vederea obținerii unor coeficienți de corecție în proiectarea...

Online Courses

According to the Decision of the Board of Directors of the UPB No. 14, from 11.03.2020, during the period 11-31.03.2020 the didactic activities will take place on-line. More details in the course forums at: http://aero.curs.pub.ro