Sponsorship S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. Bacau
On Monday, 20 November 2018, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering received from S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. Bacau company a sponsorship that comprises cargo aircraft components (taken out of use), such as: actuator for the landing gear, actuator for aerodynamic brake, actuator for the unblocking of the landing gear, pressurization valve, rotary valve, engine hood, engine reverser and a set of chairs. These components arrived around 10:30, and their unloading and disassembly was made by the Euroavia Bucharest members and other students of the faculty (Pricop Ioan-Alexandru, Gaza Alexandra, Bisag Rares, Ghiorghe Florin, Cocioaba Mircea, Buta Vlad, Cercel Alexandru,Nechita Mihai, Simion alexandru, Mereu Alexandru, Savin Victor, Paraschiv Rares, Popa Alexandru, Mican Teodor, Cazanaru Cristian), supervised by Mr. Conf. Florin Frunzulica and Mr. S.l. Grigore Cican.
These components will become didactical material for specialised disciplines of FIA: Aerospace Infrastructure and Propulsion Systems. Moreover, the hood and the reverser represent study material for the diploma project (in collaboration with AEROSTAR Bacau) of the student Pricop Ioan-Alexandru.
In this way, we want to thank the company S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. Bacau for their sponsorship with aircraft components.This gesture proves once again the will of this company to sustain the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering with technical materials.

COMOTI technical visit
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering kicked off this academic year's series of technical visits with a remarkable experience at the National Research-Development Institute for Turbomotors - COMOTI. The visit included presentations of innovative laboratory projects and...
Polijobs 2024
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering was present at the 2024 edition of the POLIJobs career fair. The event, organized annually, is a valuable opportunity for students and graduates to interact directly with employers from various technical fields, including aerospace.
Robofest 2024
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering was present at ROBOFEST 2024 with its own stand, where we had the opportunity to present to the general public our projects, applications of aerospace technologies and educational opportunities offered by our faculty. Attending...
Visiting students at university
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering had the pleasure of hosting the visit of students from the "Carol I" Fetești Theoretical High School, giving them the opportunity to discover the fascinating world of aerospace engineering. During the visit, the students had the...
Student Scientific Communication Session 2024
We invite you to participate in the "Student Scientific Communications Session" that will take place on May 10. To participate, you need to register by 18 April, 14:00, by sending an e-mail to valentin.pana@upb.ro. If you have a mentor teacher, you will need to send...
On March 2, 2024 AeroConnectMeetings, an event dedicated to Aerospace Engineering where students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering had the opportunity to interact with leading...
Students interested in drones are invited to join the new created EELISA community for Flight Tests and Experimental Models in cooperation with Istanbul Technical University. First intended action is an international contest for drones. More details will be available...
Extension of the deadline for submitting scholarship files
Following the B.E.F. from 13.10.2021 it was approved the extension of the period for submitting the files for scholarships until 20.10.2021, at 16:00.
License / dissertation assignment guide
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