Tuesday, 19 November 2019, French Institute in Bucharest, 7 pm.

Projection of the movie 16 levers de soleil will be followed by a debate with Ms. Mioara Mandea from the National center for Space Studies of  France (CNES) and Marius Piso of the Romanian Space Agency.

To fly to the outer space. That is the dream that Thomas Pesquet fulfilled when he took off from Baïkonour. At 450 km distance from the Earth, during the six months when the world seems to be lost in infinity, a dialog starts between the astronaut and the visionary literature of Saint Exupéry, which Pesquet took with him on the spacecraft.


Wednesday, 20 November, 10 am, Room I013, Campus Polizu

Conference of Ms. Mioara MANDEA (CNES) with the students of the UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.




Mardi, le 19 Novembre 2019, à 19 h, L’Institut Français à Bucarest

La projection du film 16 levers de soleil sera suivie d’une discussion avec Mme Mioara Mandea du Centre national d’études spatiales et Marius Piso de l’Agence spatiale roumaine.

Voler dans l’espace C’est ce rêve que Thomas Pesquet a réalisé en se lançant sur le site de Baïkonour. À 450 kilomètres de la Terre, pendant les six mois au cours desquels le monde semble se perdre à l’infini, un dialogue se déroule entre l’astronaute et l’œuvre visionnaire de Saint Exupéry, que Pesquet a emportée avec lui dans le vaisseau spatial.




Mercredi, le 20 Novembre, à 10.00 h, Salle I013, Campus Polizu

Conférence de Madame Mioara Mandea (CNES) à destination des étudiants de la Faculté d’Ingénierie Aérospatiale



Student Scientific Communication Session 2024

We invite you to participate in the "Student Scientific Communications Session" that will take place on May 10. To participate, you need to register by 18 April, 14:00, by sending an e-mail to valentin.pana@upb.ro. If you have a mentor teacher, you will need to send...


                      On March 2, 2024 AeroConnectMeetings, an event dedicated to Aerospace Engineering where students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering had the opportunity to interact with leading...


Students interested in drones are invited to join the new created EELISA community for Flight Tests and Experimental Models in cooperation with Istanbul Technical University. First intended action is an international contest for drones. More details will be available...

NUU Groups Changes

We inform you that any change of group, after the beginning of the academic year, creates problems in the Moodle course site and in the Teams website, leading to the loss of access to courses and seminars. That is why such changes will not be approved and will not be...

EELISA Contest

Do you want to become an European engineer? Start with a participation to the following contest: I EELISA Science Fiction Contest: open for submissions until OCTOBER 8th! Next, ask vice dean Petrisor Parvu about UPB-ITA EELISA community  tentative to enroll.

Operational Procedures

PO privind acordarea burselor si a altor forme de sprijin material pentru studenti PO privind cazarea studentilor in camine PO privind circuitul documentelor PO privind completarea registrului matricol pentru ciclul de studii de licenta PO privind completarea...